Namkha Rinpoche with Lama Sangye Dorje
during a teaching in Namkha Dzong
Sangye Dorje has been following the Vajrayana path since meeting his root lama, Rigdzin Namkha Gyatso Rinpoche, in 1999. Since then, he has been working as his main translator and personal attendant, thus receiving Rinpoche’s most precious pith instructions, oral transmissions, and ripening empowerments.
Sangye Dorje started teaching the Dharma in 2006, and has been doing so increasingly frequently ever since. He has been teaching within the Rigdzin community, as well as publicly in various countries. Teaching in a clear, warm and open way, Sangye really maintains the authenticity of the traditional Dharma he has received. By speaking from his own experience as a Western disciple with two decades of experience and practice, he knows how to skilfully transmit the Dharma in a way that is both accessible and relevant to our modern lives.

Lama Sangye Dorje

Lama Sangye Dorje translating
His Holiness the Karmapa’s teaching in Switzerland, 2016
Meeting such a great master as Namkha Rinpoche has been the greatest fortune and inspiration in Sangye Dorje’s life, and the root of the spiritual transformation that lies at the very heart of his path. Namkha Rinpoche has considered him among his dearest disciples for years, and recently officialised this by naming him his representative, with the blessings of Katok Getse Rinpoche, the late Head of the Nyingma school.
In his lay life, Sangye Dorje also has a family and works as a social worker. Every year, Sangye Dorje spends over six months travelling with Namkha Rinpoche in the different centres in Europe, as well as in India and Bhutan.

Lama Sangye Dorje leading
a Troma Nagmo ritual in Thegchok Ling