16-20 OF JULY 2024
Cultivating Wisdom & Compassion
How to train your mind on the buddhist path
By Lama Sangye Dorje
In Gyamtso Ling buddhist center
In Mojacar, Almeria
The retreat place
Gyamtso Ling is a new centre of the Rigdzin Community in the south of Spain, Mojacar. It lies within a priviledged surrounding facing the mediterranean sea. The Buddhist Centre Gyamtso Ling was inaugurated last year in october 2023 with the visit of Tang Rinpoche from Bhutan. It is located within Tito’s Complex in Mojacar beach, Almeria.
It is a centre linked to Namkha Dzong, the retreat centre in Bedar, Almeria, already established since 2010.
The course
During the course, Sangye Dorje will share the essence of Buddhist wisdom about mind and life. He will explain how applying the truths of impermanence, interdependence and altruism can deeply change our lives. He will also guide meditation sessions where he will help us come to know and discover our mind in a better way.
This course is aimed at all those who have an interest in buddhism or in meditation and who want to take advantage of the great opportunity to receive teachings from an authentic western lama in a beautiful and relaxed surrounding in the south of Spain
Those who attend will be able to enjoy a few days combining precious teachings with time on the beach, walks, good food in an inspiring and relaxed environment.
The programme
First day:
presentation and teachings
13.30-15.30 lunch and rest
15.30-17.00 Teaching
18.00-19.00 guided meditation
Rest of days:
7.00-8.00 guided meditation
8.30 breakfast
10.00-12.00 teachinbgs
12.00-13.00 walk and swim ( opcional)
13.30-15.30 lunch and rest
15.30-17.00 Teaching
18.00-19.00 guided meditation
20.00 dinner
(During one of the days there will be an excursión to Namkha Dzong, the retreat centre in the mountains. There you Will enjoy a day of teachings, walk and lunch)
Accomodation not included
We recommend:
Hotel El Puntazo
Reservations: 950047025 0 644277302
There are prices available for 1 star or 4 star accomodation (15% discount for clients of Tito’s, Gyamtso Ling)
Distance from Tito’s Complex 20 min walking or 2 min by car.
Airport: Almeria
From Almeria airport to Mojacar
Exclusive Airport Shuttles (British company that organizes pick ups to and from airport) Reserve in advance. Prices 19.99€ each way.
Email: Info@exclusiveairportshuttles.co.uk
Telf 950092602
from outside Spain (+34 0092602)
Train : Almeria station.
From Madrid there are several trains a day from Atocha station.
Journey: 9-10 hours.
Price between 45-85€
From Almeria city to Mojacar :
Buses twice a day (ALSA bus company)
Almost everyday at 2pm ( 50 min journey) and a longer journey at 3.30pm (1hour 40 min), price: 8,83€
Taxi, minibús, private car can also be hired from the airport to Mojacar.
Price bewtwen 90-120€
5 day course per person : 350€
For information and to reserve
Call Tesni +34 661827494